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GCSE Results Day

Posted: 22nd August 2024

GCSE Results Day

GCSE Results Day

GCSE Results: 219 A Star – A grades! (Level 9-7)
This morning St. John’s students will open their results to find that as a cohort they achieved a stunning 70% A Star – A grades.

It is difficult to make a special mention list with so many excellent grades but to name just a few congratulations to Damilola who scored 9 A stars, Oliver & Nicolas who both scored 8 A Stars, Cherie who scored 9 A stars with all being 9’s. Ojiako 9 A Stars, Kalum 9 A Stars, Christopher 9 A Stars, Sebastian Tsoi who scored 10 A Star – A grades! Zayd, 8 A*/A Deeya 9 A*/ A , Ria 9 A*/A, Nikolaos 9 A*, the list is endless. Maths, English, the Sciences all excelled as did Languages with French seeing 14 students achieve 12 A star grades 2 A’s and 1 B grade.

Congratulations to all the pupils and their excellent teachers!


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