On Wednesday the 23rd October, we held our termly Young Musicians Recital at St. John’s Senior School. This was possibly the best recital held in recent years with standards being exceptionally high from both St. John’s Prep. and the Senior children. It was clear that there is a blossoming relationship between the Prep. and Senior School children, owing to the many events that we now hold together, therefore children are now much happier to put themselves forwards for performance platforms knowing that they will be supported by the music department. The days of the Prep. School leading events is now transitioning to a steady spread between the ages which was seen here.
Our recitals provide an informal platform for children to perform in front of an audience. The programme usually starts with the very youngest (and has been known to include some very beginners showing an excellent potential) and ends with the older or more established players, which again can be an inspiration to the younger players. For the older children, the recitals are a great opportunity to refine a performance before performing for a more major event, such as a competition or a concert outside school or even for an upcoming school event such as a church service or our upcoming Christmas concert. Those coming to watch can see what is possible when the time and dedication has been applied and how much can be gained out of sharing music with those around you. The recitals are very supportive, and children often ask to come and play simply because of the safe and encouraging atmosphere that they feel at these events. This, in turn gets them to practise and encourages higher quality musicians who feel confident to perform.